Benefits and Risks of IV Therapy, Miami.

3 min readAug 17, 2020

Intravenous (IV) injections used to be associated only with hospital visits and the unwell. But the tides have changed, and IV therapy is now the premier method for delivering health and wellness solutions such as hydration fluids, minerals, and vitamins to help you feel your best.

The power of this therapy lies in the delivery system. Taking oral supplements requires a trip through the digestive tract, which means lost time waiting for supplements to hit your bloodstream and possibly a reduced dose when they do. IV therapy, on the other hand, is an easy way to get the full dose of hydration fluids and nutrients into patient system fast.

Benefits of IV Therapy

Including IV therapy in your wellness routine brings several health benefits that can leave the candidate feeling better, faster. Read on to discover how IV therapy at various Medical Clinics can benefit.

Experience a boost in overall wellness and immunity

IV therapies offer a way to boost overall wellness by providing a balance of electrolytes, vitamins, and nutrients to help patient reach an improved state of physical and emotional wellness. Feeling well physically and emotionally also improves stress levels, boosting immunity and reducing the frequency of illness.

Improve the look and feel of your skin and muscles

On a daily basis, your body is bombarded with free radicals, unstable atoms that damage cells and are linked to disease and aging. IV therapies include antioxidants that combat free radicals, helping reduce inflammation and damage to cells.

In addition, IV therapies can support the metabolic process, boost energy levels, and repair damaged muscles and tissue. IV infusions provide a powerful tool to help you look and feel your best.

Detoxify and recover faster

The foods you eat, the beverages you drink, and the environment around you can overrun patient body with toxins. And as they build up, these toxins find a home in your liver where they’re stored.

This buildup of toxins can leave you feeling tired, depressed, sick, or even struggling with your weight. IV therapies deliver vital nutrients and fluids to help detoxify your system and get you feeling back to normal quickly.

IV Therapy Hurt

The RN or paramedic inserts a needle into the arm, but the level of pain is usually described as a small pinch. The pain should not continue after the needle is inserted.

The professionals at various IV Medics are thoroughly trained to find a vein and secure the needle with minimal discomfort to the patient.

Risks With Intravenous Fluid Regulation

A few minor risks are associated with receiving fluids intravenously. These include infection at the injection site, a dislodged IV catheter, or a collapsed vein. All of these are easily corrected or treated.

Complications related to the regulation of fluids include giving too much fluid too rapidly, causing fluid overload. Alternatively, not enough fluid may be given or it’s released too slowly.

While IV treatment is relatively safe, there can be complications if not administered properly. The most common include:


Inflammation of the vein. It occurs when the cannula is too large for the vein or if it’s improperly secured. To prevent this, the caregiver should use the smallest needle possible suitable for the patient and fluid being administered.

Symptoms include: Warmth, Swelling, Pain, Redness around the vein


This happens when the liquid in the IV leaks to the tissue surrounding the vein. It can also be caused by inserting a cannula that’s too big for the patient.

Symptoms include: Burning sensation, Swelling around the IV site.

Air Embolism.

This happens when an air bubble enters the vein. It could be fatal if not caught early, since the air can travel to the person’s brain, heart, or lungs.

Symptoms include: Blue hue of the patient’s skin, Difficulty breathing, Low blood pressure


If the IV line, port, or skin on the site of injection are not properly cleaned prior to inserting the IV, the likelihood of infection increases. This can be prevented with proper sterilization and hygiene.

Symptoms include: Pain, Swelling. Fever

Overload can cause symptoms such as a headache, high blood pressure, anxiety, and trouble breathing. Some overload can be tolerated if fairly health. But if you have other health problems, it can be dangerous.

Treatment reference

